Wednesday, December 16, 2009


MOVING MY BLOG... Now I'm going to have only one blog instead of the many that I have had up til now... The new location is

Friday, September 11, 2009

Great house for sale!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

True Alchemy

I may have posted some of these previously... but am putting them here together in one post since they seem to almost make sense together, in a weird way to me, as a single unit of poetry...
True Alchemy
You smell like silver.
You sound like gold clinking lead.
Your presence is great.

Elvis Presley's dead?
There's no way the King shall die.
He'll live on in you.

Welcome to Vegas!
Lose your money in airport.
Slots there are not loose.

Paperless Office!?!
That dream died long, long ago.
We shall kill the earth.

We shall heal the earth.
Lets make lots and lots of cars!
We shall kill the earth.

We shall heal the earth.
Biodegradable cars?
We shall kill the earth.

We shall heal the earth.
Lets go bomb Iraqi soil.
We shall kill the earth.

“We have won the war,"
so said the foolish puppet.
Father's war almost finished.

Customer Service…
What a joke that has become.
Forever on hold.

"Happy Hollidays!?!
I shall say, “Merry Christmas!”
Learn season's reason.

Where has my youth gone?
Memories still do haunt me…
Yet people are gone.

Show me your true form.
Lose that façade hiding you.
Your real friend is here.

Please show me mercy.
I cannot erase the past.
I will move forward.

The old you is gone.
The new you yearns to be here.
All will be O.K.

Medea killed sons.
Her husband was the reason.
Carthasis shall rule.

Fireworks can kill.
Be very careful on fourth.
Hospitals might fill.

X-Rays shall be done.
You will not have any choice.
Doctor demands pay.

“Please do not bill me!”
You have heard my pleas for help…
Please show some mercy!"

Death shall come to you.
It shall happen to us all.
The question is when…"

Unpunished Crim'nals…
They walk round and round the hill
laws they made - pardon.

Look in to the sun…
Many gods names have applied.
Very few survived.

Very few survived.
The brilliant mushroom cloud shines.
We may all be doomed.

Ancient Ones have come.
The End Days have been nearing.
Long is the journey.

Caravan Travels…
The Sun beats down on our backs.
Water is nowhere.

Maps without legends.
Compass spins eternally…
Where shall we call home?"

Where is the water?
This question many have asked.
Water brings us life.

Maps without legends.
Stars refuse to lead us home.
Soon we may perish.

We are the winners!
We finally have conqured.
Universe is ours.

Beam me up Scotty.
He did live long and prospered.
We will remember.

Poison Ivy grows.
Backyard Itchiness abounds…
Bring Some Aloe Please.

We are all goners.
The end of the world is near.
Now go have a beer.

Airbrush splatters paint.
The compressor is noisy,
but the art is GREAT!"

High blood pressure sucks!
Salt really can kill you dead.
Best watch what you do.

Many will tell lies.
They will tell you many things…
Learn to discern truth.

Beowulf was slain.
His own hand this happen.
War's tide now has turned.

Rivers will run red
Abysmal things shall happen,
but Good shall prevail.

Arthritis hurts bad.
No cure is available.
Pain grows every day.

Wickedness Abounds.
Horrors beyond all belief.
Mutiny must come.

Children are at play....
Dinosaurs, and pirates roam
Imagination runs wild.

“All aboard the train,"
the engineer is calling!
Imagination runs wild.

Credit cards stolen.
Bankruptcy soon does follow.
Learn to pay in cash.

Horses running wild?
The deers and antelope played?
The West has been tamed.

The sixties were wild.
Burning flags, bras, and panties…
True freedom was lost.

Where shall we find you?
In all places I am there.
Behold God's Power.

Diamonds from coal.
We change lead in to gold.
Open up your eyes.

Open up your heart.
Love can overcome all things.
Behold God's Glory.

All we need is love.
Troubles are temporary.
Things tend to work out.

Shoes wear out too fast.
Soles become floppy messes.
Replacements aren't cheap.

Rainbows after storms...
Beauty requires patience.
Learning may take time.

Statistics can lie.
Just change your population.
Science is a myth.

Files moving through space.
Technology brings us here,
purchasing false things.

End of day draws near.
Many timeclock punches heard.
Parking Lot's a mess.

Bowl of Cereal,
a cup of milk goes on top.
Mmm Mmm - That's Breakfast.

Believe in something.
Religions are everywhere.
Search for the answers.

Man created it.
Animals strive to get in.
The walls of cities.

Peyote brings fox.
Fox is sleek, sly and cunning.
Let the dreams begin.

Three kids and a wife.
A nice house in the suburbs.
American dream.

Americans die.
Bush's war was never won.
Now we all must pay.

Photoshop it out.
That's what non-artists will say.
I say let it be.

Beauty's a vague term.
It's not very descriptive.
Learn to describe more.

Ugly's a vague term.
Superficial words don't do.
Learn to describe more.

Insurance co-pays,
Deductibles are real high.
Rates keep going up.

Exercise takes time…
Need to make more time for it.
Doctor's gonna gripe.

Wii Fit is real fun.
Need to make more time for it.
Motivation's tough.

Adasyn Grace lives.
Took a month to find this out.
Brother needs to get a grip.

The Final Nights' gone.
Caine woke up long, long ago.
White Wolf games now suck.

D20 is neat.
However, it's too complex.
Kevin, set Rifts free

Expensive Weddings…
Cowboy strippers cost too much.
Credit card is maxed.

Very hot summer.
Car has turned in to sauna.
Enjoy free sauna.

Sizzling Sun burns me.
Your gentle touch hurts a lot.
It's time for aloe.

Hammock can get wet.
We keep the canvas inside.
Hammock can be fun.

Look at honey bear.
She is a little sticky,
but she's having fun.

You can get in shape.
Just exercise a little.
It's not all that hard.

Chrismas is coming.
It's only five months away!
Soonver than you think.

Walk very quickly.
Increase the speed of your stride.
Walk like a warrior.

Start giving a crap!
Life's very worth enjoying!
Get over it now!

Mood is like light switch.
Stop being a drag you bum.
Turn happiness on.

Be honest with self.
Take deep breath and think things through…
Mood changes like light.

Think about your life.
You can change the way you feel.
Just think happy thoughts.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Man created it.
Animals strive to get in.
The walls of cities.

Seek out the Truth

Believe in something.
Religions are everywhere.
Search for the answers.


Bowl of Cereal,
a cup of milk goes on top.
Mmm Mmm - That's Breakfast.

End Day Was Here.

End of day draws near.
Many timeclock punches heard.
Parking Lot's a mess.

Virtual Assets

Files moving through space.
Technology brings us here,
purchasing false things.


Statistics can lie.
Just change your population.
Science is a myth.

True Beauty

Rainbows after storms...
Beauty requires patience.
Learning may take time.

Shiny Shoes

Shoes wear out too fast.
Soles become floppy messes.
Replacements aren't cheap.

All we need

All we need is love.
Troubles are temporary.
Things tend to work out.

Be Open to the Truth

Open up your heart.
Love can overcome all things.
Behold God's Glory.


Diamonds from coal.
We change lead in to gold.
Open up your eyes.


Where shall we find you?
In all places I am there.
Behold God's Power.

Rebels are now all the same...

The sixties were wild.
Burning flags, bras, and panties…
True freedom was lost.

Wild West?

Horses running wild?
The deers and antelope played?
The West has been tamed.

Charge It!

Credit cards stolen.
Bankruptcy soon does follow.
Learn to pay in cash.

Choo Choo!

""All aboard the train,"
the engineer is calling!
Imagination runs wild.

Playgrounds of the Mind

Children are at play....
Dinosaurs, and pirates roam
Imagination runs wild.


Wickedness Abounds.
Horrors beyond all belief.
Mutiny must come.

Pain - every day, 8 hours a day...

Arthritis hurts bad.
No cure is available.
Pain grows every day.


Rivers will run red
Abysmal things shall happen,
but Good shall prevail.

The tide has turned

Beowulf was slain.
His own hand this happen.
War's tide now has turned.

True Wisdom

Many will tell lies.
They will tell you many things…
Learn to discern truth.

Junk Food is great!

High blood pressure sucks!
Salt really can kill you dead.
Best watch what you do.

I love airbrushing!

Airbrush splatters paint.
The compressor is noisy,
but the art is GREAT!

It's the end of the world...

We are all goners.
The end of the world is near.
Now go have a beer.

Backyard Summer Fun

Poison Ivy grows.
Backyard Itchiness abounds…
Bring Some Aloe Please.

You will be remembered

Beam me up Scotty.
He did live long and prospered.
We will remember.

Three Cheers for Our Glory

We are the winners!
We finally have conqured.
Universe is ours.


Maps without legends.
Stars refuse to lead us home.
Soon we may perish.

Lifegiving Waters

Where is the water?
This question many have asked.
Water brings us life.

Magnetic North

Maps without legends.
Compass spins eternally…
Where shall we call home?

Deserted in the Desert

Caravan Travels…
The Sun beats down on our backs.
Water is nowhere.

End Days

Ancient Ones have come.
The End Days have been nearing.
Long is the journey.


Very few survived.
The brilliant mushroom cloud shines.
We may all be doomed.

Sun Shining Brightly

Look in to the sun…
Many gods names have applied.
Very few survived.

True Criminals

Unpunished Crim'nals…
They walk round and round the hill
laws they made - pardon.


Death shall come to you.
It shall happen to us all.
The question is when…

Merciful Healing

Please do not bill me!
You have heard my pleas for help…
Please show some mercy!

Doctor's Bill

X-Rays shall be done.
You will not have any choice.
Doctor demands pay.

4th of July

Fireworks can kill.
Be very careful on fourth.
Hospitals might fill.


Medea killed sons.
Her husband was the reason.
Carthasis shall rule.

It'll be alright.

The old you is gone.
The new you yearns to be here.
All will be O.K.

The past is gone.

Please show me mercy.
I cannot erase the past.
I will move forward.

Show yourself, please.

Show me your true form.
Lose that façade hiding you.
Your real friend is here.


Where has my youth gone?
Memories still do haunt me…
Yet people are gone.

Merry Christmas!

Happy Hollidays!?!
I shall say, "Merry Christmas!"
Learn season's reason.

Great Customer Service

Customer Service…
What a joke that has become.
Forever on hold.


""We have won the war,""
so said the foolish puppet.
Father's war almost finished.

Bush's war

We shall heal the earth.
Lets go bomb Iraqi soil.
We shall kill the earth.

Going Green

We shall heal the earth.
Biodegradable cars?
We shall kill the earth.

Go green

We shall heal the earth.
Lets make lots and lots of cars!
We shall kill the earth.


Paperless Office!?!
That dream died long, long ago.
We shall kill the earth.


Welcome to Vegas!
Lose your money in airport.
Slots there are not lose.


Elvis Presley's dead?
There's no way the King shall die.
He'll live on in you.


You smell like silver.
You sound like gold clinking lead.
Your presence is great.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Trees loosing their leaves…
Golds, Browns, oranges everywhere.
Things will always change.

Fun Job

Work in an office…
It is a very dull job.
But it pays the bills...

La Piscina

Es la piscina.
It's the pool (that they piss in)
Spanglish can be fun.


Time sheets are pointless.
People sometimes take long breaks.
Money grows on trees.

Petting Zoos

Petting Zoos are nuts.
Furry critters everywhere.
Fun for kids and all.

Andy's Out?

Andy Warhol's gay?
Was it not that obvious?
Not surprised you knew…

Nutso Bill.

Billy Bob Thornton.
Now there's one dude who's alright.
Just a little nuts.

Crazy Bill!

Bill Crashner's crazy.
He made up names on letters…
Now he's gone elsewhere.


Stoploss has been reached.
Bottomless cash pit is gone.
We are in trouble!

Studio Smells

Turpentine smells good.
Most artists will learn this truth.
Most others think not.


Credit cards are bad.
Banks will give them out freely.
It's a sad, sad thing.

Money Man.

Go buy groceries.
Go buy lots of other things….
Bring us all your cash.

That's the way it goes.

The man has you down?
The woman's shopping in town?
Whatcha gonna do?

Forty Hours

Forty hours a week…
We are stuck here for that long…
Time drags on and on…

Slow Day's Hope.

Where is five o' clock?
O Why isn't it here yet?
It'll be here soon.

Slow Day.

Where is five o' clock?
O Why isn't it here yet?
Don't wish away life.


Johnny went away.
Big Chinned Leno came to stay.
Things will always change.

The Eighties...

Daisy Duke is missed.
Her brothers' car is missed too.
Remember those days?

Q's Origin

Eugene went in box
Q in Enterprise next week.
Actor changing job.

Days of Our Lives

Sands in Hourglass
like Sam's Groovy Hourglass
theme I used to think.

Bad Job Bill!

Bill Gates retired.
Microsoft's gone way downhill…
started long ago...

Good job Bill!

Obama needs help.
Bill Clinton is on the job.
Sorry Hillary.


Nascar is a sport?
Where do those guys take a leak?
That is one strange sport.


Nascar is a sport?
Where do those guys take a leak?
That is one strange sport.

Color Pencils

Prismacolor's good.
However, very pricey.
Crayola works too…

What will Christ Do?

What would Christ do?'s asked.
"What will Christ do," I reply.
We are one body.


Why is the sun bright?
Who made the stars in the sky?
Patterns Everywhere.


Where do I come from?
Why do my hands look like chimps?
Mommy please tell me.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sing in Church!

Singing is easy.
Staying in tune may not be.
But who cares - NOW SING!


Forgetting is hard…
Loved Ones Live on inside us.
We will remember.

Root Beer Floats

Floating on the Foam
White Mountain cap can be seen
Tasty Ice cream floats!

Sun and Moon Shining

Sun and Moon in Air
Summer Evening
Cool Night's Breeze Arrives


Down a twisted road
Twilight's Shadow is Rising
Stillness Everywhere…


Arrow Piercing Air,
Love is entering the scene...
You should follow heart.


We will pay your claim.
Hee Hee Ho Ha! No way dude!
Claims ALWAYS deny!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Frowny Face

Turn over you frown.
Smile just a while every day.
Life can't be that bad.

Smile A While

You can learn to smile.
I know that you can do it.
Come on… show some teeth.

One Day at a time

One day at a time.
Fully Healing takes some time.
Look to the future.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Snapshots of our lives
That's all we have to hold to.
Years blur by, names too…

Letting go

Letting Go is hard...
Memories always live on.
Love is eternal!

New Day

It is a new day!
Casting aside your old ways
brings joy, harmony.

Bill the patient.

Do it. Do it Now…
Doctor, bill the Patient Now!
Bankruptcy you'll find.